About me
Words are what work for me. My love for them has led me to become a proofreader and copy editor, as well as a writer on the side. It all started with writing a diary at eight years old that naturally led to a degree in Publishing, where I found that I had a natural talent for editing.
My first ‘job’ was reading over a friend’s PhD, that led to my work in academia. I’ve edited for many different subjects including economics, business, banking, physiotherapy, nursing, radiography and in-house university design publications.
A few more commissions led me into Life Sciences, Finance, Marketing and Web editing, where I edited annual reviews, financial research, technical documents and products.
I’ve edited non-fiction books for large publishers that I’ve really enjoyed as the topics have been both intriguing and interesting.
Also, being a writer, I have a natural curiosity, so anything I don’t understand, I will question if I need to. My father used to call me ‘hawkeye’ as I didn’t miss anything, so whatever I edit I will strive to perfect.
I’m also interested in the technical aspects of document accessibility. We live in a very neurotypical and neurodiverse world where everyone should be able to access any information they want and need.
I work to the code of practises set by the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading (ciep – formerly the Society for Editors and Proofreaders (SfEP)). Using their training opportunities, I continue to learn and develop as an editor.

BA(Hons) Film & Media Studies & Marketing
M.Phil in Publishing Studies
Chartered Institute of Marketing Diploma
Creative Writing Advanced Certificate
Copy Editing by Distant Learning, Publishing Training House
SfEP Proofreading 2: Headway
Editing with Word
Introduction to Fiction Editing